up ↰

――――――――― about me ――――――――――

My name is Myrdin (pronounced as /mirdin/), a linguistics student living in Belgium.

Right now, I have a wide range of interests that keep me engaged, including:

stargazing - space is just fascinating and captivating :)

photography - where I share my amateur work on pinterest

computers - I have been tinkering and exploring with linux lately, really enjoying it :)

nature - I have a deep appreciation for nature and enjoy taking the time to reflect on the world and everything in it.

―――― language proficiency ――――

Dutch - fluent, mother tongue

English - C1/C2 level, fluent (lingua franca)

Swedish - A1 level

French - A2-B1 level, basic knowledge


You should consider this page a WIP, I'm not quite sure yet what to put here.

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